Scholarship & Recognition


The school provides scholarship grants to deserving pupils / students.

 I. Discount on Tuition Fee for Honor Students of Grade 2 to Grade 6

                            General Average              Discount                                             

                             93.0 – 93.9                      10%

                             94.0 – 94.9                     20%  

                             95.0 – 95.9                      30%

                             96.0 – 96.9                       50%

                             97.0 above                      100%

II. Discount on Tuition Fee for Honor Students of Grade 7 to Grade 10

                            General Average              Discount                                             

                             91.0 – 91.9                      10%

                             92.0 – 92.9                     20%  

                             93.0 – 93.9                      30%

                             94.0 – 94.9                        50%

                             95.0 above                        100%

III. Special Deduction on Tuition Fee

1. Discount for more than 3 children will be given to those who are in elementary level

                   No. of Children                        Discount

                             4                                     4th Free

                             5                                     5th,  10%

                             6                                     6th,  20%

                             7                                     7th,  20%

                             8                                     8th Free

2. Full Payment                        5%  on or before the last day of enrolment

3. Alumni Kids( Parent is a grade 6 or High School graduate of

SMIS)                                                  10% 

4. Enrol 3 new students at SMIS                  5% for old pupil/student

5. New pupil/student with more than 35 members in class/batch (upon entry to SMIS only)

                   First Honors                             10%

                   Second Honors                         5%

Academic Award

A. Outstanding Pupils/Students

*Top Ten (10) of the whole class/batch (Averaging System)

*He/She must obtained general average grade not lower than 85 in any subjects during the school year.

B. Achiever’s Award

*He/She has not reached to the top ten but has obtained a grade not lower than 85 in any subject for all quarters during the school year.         

C. Best in Religion       

*He/She got higher grade in Religion subject, a Catholic, actively participates and serves in Religious activities (school, chapel community and parish base), and consistently lived the Christian moral values.

Non-Academic Award

A.Best in Conduct


* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

B.Best in Leadership         


* Ability to initiate, organize and materialize meaningful projects

*Responsible, disciplined, trustworthy, sociable, creative, willing to work without reservation, compassionate and concern to others

* Ability to maintain good rapport among students, and all school personnel.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

C.Best in Arts     


* Have won in art competitions inside and outside the school

* Contributed to school projects and activities related to arts, and willing to share one’s talent to others

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

D.Most Cooperative


* Cooperates and participates willingly in school projects, programs and activities within the school year.

* Shows initiative and enthusiasm to collaborate.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

E. Best in Computer


* Highest score in written exams in computer

* Highest score in computer hands-on

* Shares ones computer skills to others

* Has joined in computer competitions inside and outside the school.

*Good conduct and disciplined especially inside the computer laboratory.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

F. Athlete of the year


* Varsity player

* Has joined athletic competitions or has represented the school in any athletic activities.

* Consistently shows sportsmanship, self-discipline, camaraderie and punctuality

* Has received awards in sports within the school year.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

G.Children of the Blessed Sacrament


* Devoutly visits Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

* Religiously participates in the Eucharistic celebrations and other related activities.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

H. Best in Extra Curricular Activities


*Has highest points in the co-curricular ratings.

*Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

*Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

I. Book Wizard of the Year (for graduating students only)


* Has the most number of books read and got the highest lexile point.

* Has borrowed lots of books in the library within the school year.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

 J. Outstanding Scout of the year


*Has advancements and trainings in scouting inside and outside the school.

*Has leadership and shows service in school and in the community.

* Fidelity to the BSP/GSP oath and laws.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

K. Outstanding Young Journalist of the year


* Has participated in Journalism trainings and press conferences inside and outside the campus, and competed up to the national level

*Has contributed to the POLARIS, school paper.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

I. Best Young Journalist of the year


* Has participated in Journalism trainings and press conferences inside and outside the campus, and competed up to the regional level

*Has contributed to the POLARIS, school paper.

*Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

M. Best Knights of the Altar of the year


* Invested as knight of the Altar in school or in the parish.

* Willingness to serve in all Liturgical celebrations both in school and in the parish

* Piety

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing

* No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

N. Batang LACASA of the year


* Has represented the school in LACASA kids/youth gatherings, assemblies and activities.

* Lives the ideals of the founder and the SMIS Christian Moral Values to the utmost.

* Good academic standing * No disciplinary case or has not been suspended within the academic year

Special Award

A. Scholarship Grant for a Grade VI pupil    

Fr. Domenico Masi Award


*Community Service( Active participation in organizations    –        20% and activities of the school community or parish)

*Lives the ideals of Fr. Domenico Masi and the Christian Moral Values of SMIS  –    30%

*Fr. Domenico Masi  Scholarship test (objective)     –      40%

*Personal Reflection and Testimony (essay)          –      10%

B. SMIS Exemplary Student Award

Candidate for this award must have no grade lower than 83 in any subject and has no disciplinary record. The award is given to a student who during the entire academic year, has exemplified the ideals of the founder, Fr. Domenico Masi and of SMIS. He/She must be a well-rounded Christian, has been actively involved in programs, projects and activities of the school that are service-oriented in the spirit of the founder and of the institution. He/she must have contributed significantly in the spiritual and religious life of the school community for the service of the underprivileged.

C. Loyalty Award

Graduating Pupils/Students who continuously enrolled at SMIS.

a. Bronze Medalist – Kinder to Grade Six

b. Silver Medalist – Grade One to Senior High School

c. Gold Medalist – Kinder to Senior High School

d. Parent Loyalty Award

This will be given only once for parents who enrolled all their children at SMIS from Pre-school to Senior High School. This will be given during the graduation in High School of the youngest child

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